It's coming up on one month since we arrived back in Xi'an. It has been a busy first month as Isaac started 10th grade two days after arriving and we began language study and other efforts the following week.
This arrival was far different than arriving last January. This time we were returning to a familiar place instead of arriving in middle of winter with the priority of finding a place to live and a headquarters for GTC - NA. We are excited to be back! The focus is clear.... more language study, continue to build relationships, and pursue opportunities for GTC.
This year will include trainings for leaders interested in the work of GTC, purposeful travel to other areas of the region, and a regional conference for Northern Asia.
We had a wonderful summer in the United States. It was a blessing to see family, friends, and have many opportunities to speak and share our experiences and accomplishments with you. We met many new friends as well. Thank you to those who came to the gatherings in Iowa and Minnesota. If we didn't see you, let's make sure to connect this next summer. We will hold regional gatherings again and also inform you of speaking engagements in hopes that you will be able to attend one of them.
Here in Northern Asia, many opportunities are quickly emerging. Please remember us as we progress through these months. We will keep you informed.
We greatly appreciate each one of you. Thank you for supporting us in the ways that you do.
We're back in China, and everyone is healthy!!!!