Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Rough Couple of Weeks

Shaanxi Youyi Hospital

Saying it has been a rough few weeks is putting it mildly!

For the last four weeks we have been battling sickness in our home. We have gotten to know several hospitals and clinics, and have had first hand experience with the medical community in China (at least in Xi'an). Somewhere along the way we picked up some intestinal intruders (most likely under-prepared food in the nearby village). We received a warning from our friends about eating in the village during the summer, but it was a few days too late. We had already contracted something and Kelley got violently ill.
Emergency Room where
We sat with others to receive fluids

We took several trips to the hospital for intravenous fluid replenishment, and tests. The fluids brought her back to life, but the tests came back as only mild infection, leading the doctors to do only minimal treatment. We continued in our quest for answers and relief. We learned of a non-profit clinic in town that had an Australian Doctor who was able to help identify possible problems, but the clinic is limited in its ability to diagnose and is heavily reliant on the hospitals and medical universities. We've gotten nowhere for a true diagnosis. Kelley has been treated for E coli and the whole family is being treated for parasites. If Kelley doesn't improve in the next few days we will likely fly her to some friends in Bangkok for further tests and

Helpful Clinic in Xi'an
Despite the hard times, we have been seeing amazing opportunities continue to unfold. The very non-profit clinic we went to for Kelley's care (after they learned of our association with TC) has asked us to assist them in HIV/Aids trainings to community leaders next year.

We appreciate your support.