Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First leg of our journey... Chiang Mai, Thailand

We left Minnesota to make our way to Xi'an, China. First stop was Chiang Mai, Thailand to attend a conference with other people we will be with in Xi'an.

It was crazy and stressful the last few weeks in Minnesota as we prepared for travel, paring our lives down to six suitcases and a few carry-ons! We were absolutely exhausted when we got on the plane. After a 16 hour flight to Seoul, Korea, to transfer and fly another 8 hours, we finally landed in beautiful Chiang Mai. 

We stayed in a hotel for the conference and had a wonderful time meeting people and taking a short rest. It wasn't all restful however, during our time in Thailand we had to race through the city on tuk tuks (pictured) to get immunizations and other details squared away before heading to China.

One day, we went with some of our new friends to ride elephants. We were expecting a little carnival type experience with a few elephants taking people on rides in a circle while chained to a center pole. Boy were we wrong! This place had 71 elephants. They had a show where we watched them bathe in the river, play soccer, paint pictures, etc...

 ...  and then we took a 2-3 mile ride through the forest. It was amazing

After a week in Chiang Mai, we traveled on to Xi'an, China. We are now here in our new city! Check back to stay up to date on our new home and life in Xi'an (she--on).

Be sure to view our prayer request page.

Bless you -
The Samuelson's