Saturday, July 14, 2012

Gatherings Scheduled for Iowa and Minnesota

It has been a wonderful time back in the States connecting with Family and Friends and sharing news about our first 6 months in China.

Doug was able to speak to students in the leadership institute chapel at MN Teen Challenge, and also visit with Pastor Rich Scherber (pictured below) to present a gift of thanks for MN Teen Challenge's support of GTC-Northern Asia. (The inscription on the gift read "Global Teen Challenge Northern Asia Headquarters established January 2012 in Xi'an, China").

We are so blessed to have special friends who have generously provided us housing while we have been back for these 8 weeks. Thank you Carlson's, Hildebrand's, and Taylor's!

We still have a significant amount of funds to raise before we return to China (we are currently at the halfway point of raising funds to meet our budget). The great need is for monthly supporters. Please pray about your participation in this pioneering work.

We have scheduled two gatherings and hope to see all of you there!

                        Iowa Gathering                                              Minnesota Gathering
                 Thursday, July 26th, 6-9pm                                   Saturday, July 28th, 2-4pm
                         Waverly, Iowa                                                   Redeeming Love C.
        Please call 651-280-0466 for directions                          2425 White Bear Ave. N.
                                                                                              Maplewood, MN  55109

Please plan to join us and hear what is happening in China and prayerfully consider how you might particpate in this Kingdom Work.

Bless you all!